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The whole family can celebrate Pride Month with two fantastic children's books about same sex couples and their families' lives. Bathe the Cat is a hysterical tale about a feline friend who causes all kinds of mayhem in efforts to avoid his bath. Dad and Daddy and the whole family are thrown out of sorts trying to prepare for Grandma to arrive! Mama and Mommy and Me in the Middle is an endearing story of a child and her Mama who spend a whole week together while Mommy is travelling for work. 
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Happy Pride! To celebrate the fact that reading is for everyone, check out these incredible titles written by and about LGBTQ+ folks.
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A king names his long-awaited child Fairer-than-a-Fairy, never stopping to think this might upset the fairies. One of the fairies abducts her, taking her to a castle where the princess learns there is another captive: a prince imprisoned in a rainbow. When the prince is moved to another prison, Fairer-than-a-Fairy sets out to find him and set him free.

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Accepting our struggles doesn't mean they aren't hard to deal with in the moment. The truth is, we both have had some real stank, ugly, funky days, weeks, and months. Some days had us on the ropes, pinned down and fighting like no-name contenders. We were fighting to get out of the icky funk we were shoved into. Been in that ring lately? How did you fight the funk? We came out swinging.

Diversity in the Workplace
In the book Diversity in the Workplace, Bari A Williams, Esq. conducts a series of interviews discussing some of the diversity challenges that happen in the workplace. The goal of this book is to induce conversations about privilege, identity and bias.