Nashville public libraries have a number of 3D printers in various branches and through the Studio NPL mobile labs. In providing resources for advancing learning and innovation, printers are used as part of pre-scheduled programs or for general use during designated times. In order to protect physical well-being and intellectual properties of other people, it is necessary to have a public policy that guides the use of 3D printers.
- As the operation of 3D printers requires a certain level of expertise and training, patron use of the 3D printers will be facilitated by trained library employees or volunteers.
- Patrons can rely on the library’s promise that information regarding your intellectual activities and property within the library will not be shared with third parties.
- Objects that may threaten the health and safety of the creator, other patrons, library staff, or the general population will not be sent for printing, neither will any objects prohibited within the library or prohibited by State and Federal law.
- The library encourages the cultivation of new skills, innovations, and creative expression.
- Objects that infringe–directly or indirectly–on previously established trademarks or patents may not be printed.
- Nashville Public Library’s 3D printers utilize non-toxic, biodegradable PLA plastic filament, and color options are limited and will be selected or changed at the discretion of staff.
- 3D printers and filament are designated for personal use, and mass production for sales for individual financial gain is prohibited.
- The library seeks to provide fair and equitable use of new technology and staff may limit an individual’s use of a 3D printer if deemed excessive.